The example of the Delany sisters teaches us that in social interactions of all types, feedback is valuable. Think about it. A compliment unshared cannot encourage. Constructive critique left unspoken doesn’t inspire change. Communication works two ways, benefitting both the speaker and the listener.
From April 12 to April 26 you, the students of GPC, will get the chance to have your say about our Learning and Tutoring Center services. It will be your opportunity to compliment, complain or comment about the quality of what we do and how we do it. What you
Interested? If so, then come by the LTC in room F1200 to:
* get the code
* complete the online survey
* enter the drawing
The winner of the drawing will receive $100 worth of credit applied to their Jag card, good for buying merchandise, food and paying for services around campus.
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